• The original proof of concept

  • Browsing different collaborations

  • A detailed view of a collaboration

  • The new Atlas landing page

Project Description

The idea behind the Atlas project is to make it easy to find academic publications, typically when they are the results of collaborative efforts between different businesses, universities, organizations, and even government agencies. It’s a resource for those who want to be advocates of research and public policy. When I first began working with the Academy of Arts and Sciences in early January of 2018, they had only a proof of concept for what the database would look like.

Any changes had to be made directly to JSON to be reuploaded to Firebase, and the experience was sluggish. The different aspects that an Organization or Collaboration can have were all strings, without even any relationships between them. Even as a proof of concept of “Can we browse and filter this data”, the experience left a lot to be desired. As part of my time there, I have rebuilt it from the ground up.

I ported the data over to a Mongo database, rewriting the relationships and breaking things like Focuses and Categories into separate models. I’ve redesigned the entire app, and introduced VueJS and lazy-loading to make it a state-persistent. I’ve also built a login system and administration control panel for being able to update entries.

It has, at times, been an almost overwhelming project for one person, but it has also been a great challenge and a lot of fun. I look very much forward to sharing it when it officially launches this autumn.


Designer, Developer

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • VueJS
  • NodeJS
  • MongoDB
  • Heroku